Thursday, January 30, 2020

Young Consumers and the Power of Persuasion Essay Example for Free

Young Consumers and the Power of Persuasion Essay As old generations have died away new generations have poked their way into the world. As man evolves with new generations so do their lifestyles. A few decades ago children would ask their parents for the necessities they need and be okay with what they had. Now it’s backwards. More and more kids are demanding to have the latest technologies and the latest gadgets rather than being comfortable with the resources and materials their parents provide. Children are taking control rather than their parents taking control. Children are becoming the parents and the parents are becoming the children. The parents are doing what their children want them to do and not how it should be done. What causes children to be obnoxious and do everything possible in order to get what they want? In the essay â€Å"Kid Kustomers†, by Eric Schlosser, found in SIGNS of LIFE in the USA, by Sonia Maasik and Jack Solomon, the author talks about how advertisement drives these children to have â€Å"pester power†, in other words the power children possess the power to get something they want by means of begging (222). He also says that as more children are watching television they don’t realize that they are being brainwashed into believing everything they see and wanting it. He also goes on to talk about the different methods kids (as he refers to them) have to obtain what they want. Eric’s point throughout the essay is that it’s horrible to compensate for the needs kid’s have. Eric’s essay is effective because although the essay is very short, Eric does an outstanding job explaining the methods kids use to persuade parents, an excellent job giving more than one reason why kids are the markets best consumers, and informing the reader why this crisis is occurring. The author did an excellent job explaining the whole concept of how kids are using different methods to persuade parents to buy them what they want. A pleading nag is one accompanies by repetitions of words like â€Å"please† or â€Å"mom, mom, mom.† A persistent nag involves constant requests for the coveted product and may include the phrase â€Å"I’m gonna ask just one more time.† Forceful nags are extremely pushy and many include subtle threats, like â€Å"Well, then, I’ll go ask Dad.† Demonstrative nags are the most high-risk, often characterized by full-blown tantrums in public places, breath-holding, tears, a refusal to leave the store. Sugar-coated nags promise affection in return for a purchase and may rely on seemingly heartfelt declarations like â€Å"You are the best dad in the world.† Threatening nags are youthful forms of blackmail, vows of eternal hatred and of running away if something isn’t bought. Pity nags claim the child will be heartbroken, teased, or socially stunted if the parent refuses to buy a certain item. (224) The explanation the author gives really makes the reader capture the purpose for writing the essay. The good explanations that are given throughout the essay make the whole reading a lot better to understand. By adding these explanations it won’t leave the reader thinking about a main point the author stated a while back, while reading new information and going ahead in the essay. Eric also does a good job explaining other reasons why kids are being â€Å"Kustomers†. This is excellent because he is not saying that only one-reason makes the cause and effect plot to show up. The author says, â€Å"The Internet has become another powerful tool for assembling data about children†(225). The author is informing the reader that advertisements is not the only source out there brainwashing kids brain into buying the latest clothes, gadgets, and other senseless items, but also the Internet. With more reasons to show why kids are becoming the ideal customers it can give the reader some information on how this is affecting families. This essay is very informative because it gives the reader information about how the cause of kid consumption can affect their lives and families. During the course of a year, he or she watches more than thirty thousand TV  commercials. Even the nation’s youngest children are watching a great deal of television. About one-quarter of American children between the ages of two and five have a TV in their room. (226) By giving the reader information it’s engaging the reader to think about his or her own family (kids) and to also think about their family (brothers and sisters, cousins). The audience, given by the information given in the reading, is not for kids who like shopping, but for adults who are having trouble and are looking for a solution or to be informed that compensating their children is actually harming them. The essay itself is a good informative essay giving the reader an insight into a problem, if not a major problem, that is occurring in our generation. Although the essay is very short, Eric does an outstanding job explaining the methods kids use to persuade parents, an excellent job giving more than one reason why kids are the markets best consumers, and informing the reader why this crisis is occurring. The grade Eric’s essay â€Å"Kid Kustomers† is an â€Å"-A† because it could have been longer, but the author used evidence and information to back-up his statements and ideas. Eric’s use of information and the interpretation of that information into his worked really made the essay run smoothly. Works Cited Schlosser, Eric. â€Å"Kid Kustomers.† SIGNS of LIFE in the USA. Maasik, Sonia and Jack Solomon, eds. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2012. 222-226. Print.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Navigational Tools :: Websites Internet Technology Computers Essays

Navigational Tools When designing a website, a web designer must develop and create an effective way of navigating his or her website. When doing this job, the web designer must keep the principle of compensation in mind. According to authors Killingsworth and Gilbertson â€Å"in every revision of a text, something is lost and something is gained† (45). Using this principle of compensation, a web designer must realize the consequences for choosing a picture, icon, or text to represent links on his or her web page. For each one there are advantages and drawbacks, which if weighed or balanced properly can enhance that web designer’s page. Human beings by nature are visually oriented; therefore, the web designer should find a satisfactory medium between the use and placement of either text or graphics. According to Brad Bachetti in his response â€Å"Creating a Roadmap†, â€Å" If both text and graphics are used to represent the button, it is visually appealing to keep the text and g raphics of equal width. This is exemplified on the main page of the WebCT course page† (Bachetti). If we take a look at the WebCT course page, we will find this to be true. The WebCT course page also exemplifies the principle of compensation. The pictures that accompany the text not only compliment each other in width and size, but also enhance each other. Together the pictures and text convey better meaning then they would if they stood alone, thus allowing for easy navigation on the course page. Sometimes though a web designer may only want to use a picture, icon, or text to represent a link or navigational tool on a website. According to Principles of Web Design, by David and Jean Farkas, â€Å"Links must make clear their destinations the page that the link will display† (209). Using this simple principle put forth by the authors, a web designer may encounter problems when dealing with pictures and icons to represent links or navigational tools. According to Farkas, â€Å"to design links that will communicate their destination clearly, you need to think about your audience and their information needs† (Farkas 209). A picture and icon may have different connative or denotative meanings for people of a different age, gender, race, or nationality. That being stated icons and pictures have some significant advantages over text links. For example, a familiar one is processed faster, icons communicate across languages and cultures, they are visually interesting, and they often save space (Farkas 211).

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Educational Philosophy Essay

Human nature is the product of one’s environment. Change the environment to change the behavior. Reinforce good behavior, punish bad behavior Conservation of cultural heritage preserves the wisdom of the achievements of humankind. Behavior evolves within the conditioning influence of the institutional system, tradition is the repository of a collective social intelligence. Constructivism is an educational methodology which asserts that learners should be taught in a way that allows them to construct their own understandings about a subject. The purpose of the teacher is not to cover material but to help the child â€Å"uncover† the facts and ideas in a subject area. Essentialists believe that children should learn traditional basic subjects. (Reading, Writing, Literature, Foreign Languages, History, Math, Science, Art, and Music. ) Generally teaches children progressively, from less complex skills to more complex. Schools should transmit the traditional moral values and intellectual knowledge that students need to become model citizens. Focus is on basic skills. Existentialism rejects the existence of any source of objective, authoritative truth about metaphysics, epistemology, and ethics. Do not accept any predetermined creed or philosophical system and from that try to define who we are. Aim for the progressing of humanity. Use independent thinking. It engages the student in central questions of defiming life and who we are. Answers imposed from the outside may not be real answers. The only real answers are the ones that come from inside each person, that are authentically his or her own. For the existentialist, there exists no universal form of human nature; each of us has the free will to develop as we see fit. â€Å"Stimulate learners to achieve a more vital and fuller identification with the Absolute Mind or the Macrocosm†¦ Students come into a gradually expanding mental awareness that leads to self-definition based on a comprehensive understanding or perspective of the universe. † (Gutek, p21) Liberalism focuses on the individual. Ideas come from experience. Sensation and reflection create learning. Behavior Modification Conserve/preserve heritage. Constructivism Essentialism Willaim C. Bagley Arthur Bestor Existentialism Idealism Plato Liberalism John Locke Marxism Karl Marx Marxism promotes socialism, as opposed to capitalism where one class oppresses another. Education is use d to change society. Naturalism Rousseau The child should develop in the natural way s/he is designed, guiding the process Perennialism Perennialism Robert M. Hutchins Perennialists believe that one should teach the things of everlasting importance to all people everywhere. They believe that the most important topics develop a person. Philosophy is improtant to study. Studens should learn principles, not facts, teach scientific reasoning, not facts. Teach first about humans, not machines or techniques.. Perennialism focuses first on personal development. Prepared for ED828 Educational Philosophies and Change Jean Marrapodi †¢ Capella University †¢ September 2003 Construct new ideas Back to the Basics What is real? Striving for the ideal Blank slate of individual experience All for all Natural development of the child Like perennial flowers, great principles repeat Educational Philosophies. Philosophy Pragmatism Philosophers Beliefs Key Thought John Dewey Scientific problem solving, experiential learning Progressivism William Kilpatrick Realism Aristotle â€Å"Ideas were to be judged by their consequences when acted on; truth was a warranted assertion, a tentative statement based on the application of hypotheses to solving problems; logic, following the scientific method was experimental; values were experienced within the context of ethical and aesthetic problems and issues charged by the unique features of particular situations. † Gutek, p 77. Progressivists believe that education must be based on the fact that humans are social animals who learn best in real-life activities with other people. Teachers provide not just reading and drill, but also real-world experiences and activities that center around the real life of the students. Discovery follows the scientific method: 1. Become aware of the problem. 2. Define the problem. 3. Propose hypotheses to solve it. 4. Test the consequences of the hypotheses from one’s past experience. 5. Test the most likely solution. â€Å"Cultivate human rationality, the human’s highest power, through the study of organized bodies of knowledge†¦encourage human beings to define themselves by framing their choices rationally, to realize themselves by exercising their potentiality for excellence to the fullest, and to integrate themselves by ordering the various roles and claims of life according to a rational an hierarchical order. † Gutek, p 41 Education should examine, define the problems and change the social structure of society. Rebuilding Society George S. Counts Social Reconstructionism. â€Å"Learn by Doing! † Rationally real Theistic Realism Thomas Aquinas Similar to realism, but God is central God in the core Totalitarianism Adolph Hitler Totalitarianism is a political system in which a citizen is totally subject to state authority in all aspects of day-to-day life. Government controls education. Total dependence on government Utopianism Robert Owen A perfect society can be achieved through the education of the young. Perfect society through education Prepared for ED828 Educational Philosophies and Change Jean Marrapodi †¢ Capella University †¢ September 2003.

Monday, January 6, 2020

Understanding Childrens Behaviour Free Essay Example, 2000 words

130). Bullying is a relationship problem, thus interventions must include relationship solutions involving parents – as domestic violence breeds bullying (Baldry 2003, cited in Lamb et al. 2009, p. 358), teachers and school officials – as bullying commonly happens in schools (Whitney, Rivers, Smith, the victims must be supported by developing in him/her assertive strategies and friendship skills, and providing him/her such opportunities; parents must be helped exemplify and foster healthy family relationships (Lamb et al. 2009, p. 359); and schools must promote a culture and climate fostering positive social relations. Task 2 Self-confidence is the belief in one’s self – the ability, and power to achieve things (White 2009, p. 103). Without this, one would have difficulty interacting with others and in dealing with life. Thus, developing confidence in children is crucial in their growth and development, as this would enable them to become self-made individuals later. We will write a custom essay sample on Understanding Children's Behaviour or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now However, building and developing confidence in children is a long and enduring process that entails love and patience. Children’s attachment to the mother and significant others for emotional security is truly vital to their healthy growth; however, equally important is the children’s ability to separate without anxiety and to feel secure in their growing independence. Children with secure attachments to parents and significant others build relationship with others more easily – This can be achieved if parents trust their children’s ability to relate with others. (Hillen 2009) By allowing children to socialise with others exposes them to other relationships vital to their growing emotional needs. In socialising with others, growing children learn to accept and appreciate other people aside from their immediate families, which are important in developing their motivation, self-concept and self-esteem, which are equally vital in developing their self-confidence. Growing children need motivation – an internal state/condition that activates/energizes behaviour (Huitt 2001, par. 1), as this would give them the drive to learn things, discover more, and achieve greater goals, which in turn would develop in them self-confidence.